DATES OF NEED: 4/1/2024 - 12/01/2024 EMPLOYER: Big Sky Inc dba Big SkyTent and Party Rentals CONTACT: James Eddy EMAIL: [email protected]: (508) 693-2237 JOB TITLE: Tent and Material Delivery OPENINGS:(5) Temporary, Full-time openings. DUTIES: Drive light vehicle to andfrom event locations and assist in loading and unloading tent materialsand party supplies. Assist with setting up tent equipment and partysupplies. MANDATORY QUALIFICATIONS: Employees must be able to commit toentire employment period. SCHEDULE: 40hrs p/wk. Hours may vary, butaverage schedule is 8AM-4PM. Employee will work 5-6 days per week, butdays of the week and hours will vary weekly. Will train. WAGE:\$21.50-\$26.00 p/hr, paid weekly. Wage paid within range shown basedupon performance at discretion of employer. 10-20 hours of overtime perweek, OT paid at \$35.25-\$39.00 p/hr. Possible bonuses based uponperformance at employer?s discretion. LOCATION(S): Central OfficeLocated at 10 East Line Rd. Edgartown, MA 02539 LODGING: N/A TO APPLY:Email/Mail resumes directly to employer at; Big Sky Tent and PartyRentals, c/o James Eddy, 10 East Line Rd. Edgartown, MA 02539 \| Email:[email protected] \| Phone: 508- 693-2237 OR Contact the nearest MASWA: MassHire Cape & Islands Career Center, 372 North Street, Hyannis,MA 02601\| Phone: (508) 771-5627 TERMS: Employer will make alldeductions from paycheck as required by law. Employer will provideemployee(s), without charge or deposit charge any tools, supplies andequipment required to perform the duties assigned, in accordance with 20CFR 655.20(k). Employees will be reimbursed for initial inboundsubsistence and transportation after 50% of employment period iscompleted. Upon completion of the period of need, or if employee isdismissed early, employer will pay for workers reasonable costs andsubsistence of outbound, return, transportation back to where employeecame from, unless the employee does not return. The amount oftransportation reimbursed will be equal to the most economical andreasonable common carrier for the distances involved. Daily subsistencefor travel will be provided at a rate of \$15.46/day up to a max of\$59.00/day with proof by receipts. Employees will be reimbursed in thefirst work week for all visa, visa processing, border crossing, andother related fees, including those mandated by the government(excluding passport fees). Employer guarantees to offer work for hoursequal to at least three-fourths of the workdays in each 12 week periodto the total employment period.