This is a full time position Monday through Friday, with weekends off.We would love to have you consider joining Hillcrest Educational Centeras a member of one of our teams. We are a premier human serviceorganization with more than 38 years of experience improving the qualityof life for special needs youth through education, clinical, andresidential services. YOUR COMPENSATION: \$21.00/hr to start with noexperience or education - Starting Salary: \$21.00/hr (earn more withexperience and degree) - Raise when passing the Para Pro Assessment:\$1040 - Career Ladder Raise to Step 2 as early as 6 months: \$1040 -Continue with your Career Ladder to Step 3 and 4: \$1560 for each step -Raise when obtaining your Registered Behavior Technician credentialin-house with us: \$3120 - Referral Bonus: \$1500 for every full-timereferral who gets hired Bachelor\'s Degree preferred. High SchoolDiploma or equivalent accepted with relevant experience. BENEFITS BEYONDTHE ORDINARY - CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT paid quarterly to you - TUITIONASSISTANCE REIMBURSEMENT of up to \$425 a credit hour. Whoa! That\'s upto \$1275 per three hour course - STUDENT LOAN PAY DOWN PROGRAM toreduce your college loan debt - EMPLOYER PAID LIFE INSURANCE - HEALTHINSURANCE through Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA - WELLNESS PROGRAM CREDITof \$500 for individuals plans and \$1000 for family plans to reduceyour health insurance costs - EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM to support youthrough stressful times in life - Hillcrest has it\'s own dental officewhere you can make payment through payroll deduction if needed - 403BRETIREMENT PLAN to help you save for your financial future WE PROVIDETRAINING TO PREPARE YOU FOR YOUR NEW ROLE - Two weeks of orientationprovided to prepare you to begin your new role - Learn about the missionand culture of our organization - Listen to program leaders and staff asthey share their experiences - Hear from a student panel about theirchallenges and successes - Get certified in Therapeutic CrisisIntervention - Get certified in 1st Aid and CPR - Spend a day doing aguided observation Why work with Hillcrest? You will have theopportunity to: - Challenge yourself professionally while contributingto the education of youth facing mental health/behavioral challenges -Lend your expertise and collaborate with highly skilled professionals -Empathize with traumatized youth needing support - Join a dedicatedorganization leading the field in residential treatment - TRANSFORMLIVES OF THOSE IN OUR COMMUNITY AND BEYOND!! HILLCREST EDUCATIONALCENTERS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER