JOB REQUIREMENTS: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States RockwellAutomation is a global technology leader focused on helping the world\'smanufacturers be more productive, sustainable, and agile. With more than28,000 employees who make the world better every day, we know we havesomething special. Behind our customers - amazing companies that helpfeed the world, provide life-saving medicine on a global scale, andfocus on clean water and green mobility -our people are energizedproblem solvers that take pride in how thework we do changes the worldfor the better. We welcome all makers, forward thinkers, and problemsolvers who are looking for a place to do their best work. And ifthat\'s you we would love to have you join us! Job Description As aSoftware Test Engineer in Rockwell Automation, you will testindustry-leading commercial software known for its innovation andusability. You will be an important player in software test case design,implementation and review. You will play an active role in all thestages of the development lifecycle and support your team throughout theprocess. You will also help ensure that developed products meetrequirements and are within total quality management standards. You willcollaborate with multiple global teams. We are looking for someone whowill use a diverse set of technical backgrounds and opinions byfostering a team-oriented environment and the use of open and directcommunications and respect. You will also seek knowledge of newdevelopments in the software engineering, computer engineering, and testautomation fields and will identify and pursue career developmentopportunities. You will report to Engineering Team lead and is based outof our office at Wisconsin. In this role you will: Use your Python,Postman and Playwright skills to develop automated tests that ensure thequality and functionality of our software products. Design, create teststhat cover multiple scenarios and use cases. Work with developers toidentify targeted areas of new functionality to test. Participate inreviews of documents, designs, and test cases and provide constructivefeedback. Monitor automated test results and report software defects tothe development team. Develop test documentation that follows thesoftware development process and standards. Ensure that the team\'sautomated tests are aligned with the project scope and timeline andprovide coverage for added and changed product functions. Support theteam\'s CI environment and approach by keeping the tests up to date,running them frequently, and reporting results. Support the team infunctional and system requirements... For full info follow applicationlink. Rockwell Automation is an Equal Opportunity EmployerDisability/Veteran. If you are an individual with a disability and youneed assistance or reasonable accommodation during the applicationprocess, email our Talent Acquisition representative [email protected]. ***** APPLICATIONINSTRUCTIONS: Apply Online: