White Castle Roofing and Contracting, Inc. ("Company") needs 5temporary Roofers from April 1, 2024 - November 30, 2024 for work atvarious worksites in Mesa county in Colorado.
Work is full-time; Monday-Friday; 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; 40 hrs/week;
Company uses a single workweek as the standard for computing wages due;workers paid onceper week. Piece rate wages may apply based on volume of job-related taskscompleted per workweek, but workers are guaranteed a wage rate of at least$21.48/hr (higher rates possible based on experience or skill) withapplicable benefits. Workers are eligible for overtime pay of at least$32.22/hr, equal to one and one-half times the applicable hourly ratefor all hours over 40 in a given workweek. Please note that 6 hours ofovertime per week is an estimate based on historical averages over the periodof need and is subject to change based on weather conditions and businessneeds.
If requested by workers, Company will assist with securing adequateapartment-style shared lodging plus utilities in employer-owned and/oremployer-rented housing at a rate of approximately $105.00 per person perpay period. (A refundable damage deposit of $175.00 per person will alsoapply.) Company will make all deductions from worker's paycheck asprovided by law, plus $105.00 per person per pay period for housingexpenses for employees who choose them. Company will also provide an optionaladvance of up to $275.00 to purchase clothing and food; repayment for anysuch advance will be deducted from future paychecks, if applicable.
Job duties include the following: Physically demanding duties related tonew and re-roofing projects.Tearoff / remove existing roofing materials andunderlayment using proper methods for removal.Clean roof deck and surrounding structure.Perform minor roof deck repairs and other projects ancillary toroofing project, as needed.Install underlayment and new roofing materials using proper methods forinstallation.All duties to be performed utilizing proper fall protection and scaffolding.
Company is committed to providing a safe workplace and using best efforts tocomply with OSHA.
Workers may be fined or subject to disciplinary action for repeated safetyviolationsconsistent with Company's OSHA safety plans and OSHA compliance efforts.
Company will provide all tools, supplies, and equipment required toperform the job to workers at no charge. The costs of transportation(including subsistence and, to the extent necessary, lodging) from theplace of recruitment to the place of employment will be reimbursed uponarrival, (subject to repayment to Company if the workers do not completeat least one-half of the employment period). Company will reimburse H-2Bworkers in the first workweek for all visa, visa processing, bordercrossing, and other related fees, including those mandated by thegovernment, that are actually incurred by the workers (other than thosefees primarily for the benefit of the workers). Upon completion of the workcontract or where a worker is dismissed earlier, Company will provide or payfor the worker's reasonable costs of return transportation and subsistenceback home or to the place the worker originally departed to work, exceptwhere the worker will not return due to subsequent employment with anotheremployer or where the employer has appropriately reported a worker'svoluntary abandonment of employment. The amount of transportation payment orreimbursement will be equal to the most economical and reasonable commoncarrier for the distances involved.
Daily subsistence will be provided at a rate of at least $15.46/day duringtravel to a maximum of $59.00/daywith receipts.
Normal work-related travel within the area of intendedemployment / normal commuting distance is required as necessary dependentupon business needs; daily transportation to individual worksites may beprovided depend ng on location. Company guarantees to offer work for hoursequal to at least three-fourths of the workdays in each 12-week period of thetotal employment period.
Must be at least 18 years old and have the ability to consistently lift 70lbs. Apply with the nearest CO Workforce Center officeor at American Job Center, Mesa County Workforce Center, 512 29Road, Grand Junction, CO 81504 (job order number: 2865954) or sendresume to White Castle Roofing and Contracting, Inc., P.O. Box 22405,Lincoln, NE 68542.