Seeking 40 Temp/FT positions in the following counties: Colorado:Boulder, Larimer | Job Duties: Separate blocks of rough dimension stonefrom quarry mass using jackhammer and wedges. Dates of need: 2024-04-01 to2024-12-15 | # of regular hours guaranteed per week: 40 | Mon-Fri possSat | 08:00 - 05:00 | Lift and sustain 50 lbs | No ed./exp.required. OTJ training available. Starting wage $23.34 p/hr. to $25.00p/hr. Poss. OT starting from $35.01 p/hr. to $37.5 p/hr. A singleworkweek is used to compute wages due, paid weekly. Poss. raises,bonuses, or incentives dependent on tenure w/company, experience, orjob performance. All deductions from the workers' paycheck required by lawwill be made. Employer will provide workers at n/c all tools, supplies,& equip. required to perform the job. Workers will be reimbursed in thefirst workweek for all visa and border crossing fees,in-boundtransportation, daily subsistence and hotel costs from the place from whichthe worker has come to work for the employer to employer's place ofbusiness. The amount of transportation payment or reimbursement will be equalto the most economical & reasonable common carrier for the distancesinvolved. Upon completion of the work contract or where the worker isdismissed earlier, employer will provide or pay for workers reasonable costsof return transportation & daily subsistence to the place the workeroriginally departed to work, except where the worker will not return due tosubsequent employment w/another employer. The employer is responsible forpaying inbound transportation costs in the first workweek of employment to theextent that shifting such costs to the employees (either directly orindirectly) would effectively not bring the workers' wages below the FLSAminimum wage. Employer will provide or pay for charter bus services or othermodes of transportation to groups of H-2B or U.S. workers or will permitworkers to select any means of transportation they choose and reimburseworkers at no less than the most economical and reasonable common carriertransportation charges for the distances involved. The remainder of inboundtransportation, meals, and hotel expenses to be reimbursed to the workerat the 50% point of the contract. As per FLSA requirements, daily mealsubsistence is paid. Outbound transportation and subsistence will beprovided/paid by the employer where the worker completes the work contractperiod, or is terminated without cause, and no subsequent H-2B employmentis available. Employer will provide or pay for charter bus services or othermodes of transportation to groups of H-2B or U.S. workers or will permitworkers to select any means of transportation they choose and reimburseworkers at no less than the most economical and reasonable common carriertransportation charges for the distances involved at the end of the contractor worker termination date. Other deductions from employees pay: Alldeductions required by law will be deducted from workers' pay. Dailysubsistence will be provided at a rate of $15.46 p/day during travel to amax of $59.00 per day with receipts. Qualified applicants are to inquireabout the job op directly to Colorado Workforce Center (Boulder),Located at 5755 Central Ave., Boulder CO . Call (303) 413-7555, or goonline at to apply. Email resume toBobbi at [email protected] for Blue Mountain Stone Inc This ad is beingplaced concurrently with an H-2B application.