This job was posted by : For moreinformation, please see: By joining our team,you\'ll be part of our life-changing Mission and Vision. You\'ll work ina truly inclusive environment where diversity and equity are championedthrough words and actions. You\'ll contribute to an innovative culturethat is second to none, one that embraces curiosity, discovery andcompassion. You\'ll play a role in something that\'s never been donebefore as we integrate science and clinical care to help patientsachieve better, faster outcomes - as we Advance Human Ability, together.
Job Description Summary
The Research Assistant will be responsible for conducting literaturesearches, data management, recruiting participants, obtaining consents,maintaining files, scheduling and conducting interviews of patients andfamily members, maintaining data collection files, assisting with dataanalysis and generating correspondence, reports and graphics.
The Research Assistant will consistently demonstrate support of theShirley Ryan AbilityLab statement of Vision, Mission and Core Values bystriving for excellence, contributing to the team efforts and showingrespect and compassion for patients and their families, fellowemployees, and all others with whom there is contact at or in theinterest of the institute.
The Research Assistant will demonstrate Shirley Ryan AbilityLab CoreAttributes: Communication, Accountability, Flexibility/Adaptability,Judgment/Problem Solving, Customer Service and Core Values (Hope,Compassion, Discovery, Collaboration, & Commitment to Excellence) whilefulfilling job duties.
Job Description
The Research Assistant responsibilities will vary according to theproject in which the RA is assigned, but could include any or all of thefollowing will:
1. Subject Recruitment
Contacts hospital-site staff to identify potential participants;reviews medical records to determine appropriateness of patients forstudy.Explains study to patients and family members, requestsparticipation and obtains informed consentSchedules and confirms participants for hospital and/or homeinterviews2. Data Collection
Conducts on and off site interviews using a variety of structuredand non-structured questionnairesRetrieves and records data from medical records and records datafrom interviews on appropriate formsUses clinical judgment to alert supervisor in a timely manner thatparticipant responses may indicate need for professionalinterventionMaintains interim contact with study participants to maintaincurrent address and telephone information3. Dissemination
Assists in development of data tables, graphs and charts andpreparation of material for presentation4. Data Management
Assists in the collection of new data; codes, cleans, transcribes,records, enters and stores all data collected; coordinates datacollection with other research staff as appropriateGenerates reports detailing data collectedConducts literature searches, copying and distributing articles asappropriateTranscribes and codes taped interviewsMaintains an inventory of data collection forms to ensure ease ofdata retrievalAssists in analysis of qualitative and quantitative data by codingverbatim interviewsPerforms various record-keeping tasks such as filing consent formsand other data collection forms on all eligible participants toensure ease of data retrieval and tracking of participants5. Supports Scholarly Activities
Attends meetings; takes minutes as assigned6. P
erform all other duties that may be assigned in the best interest ofthe Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
Reporting Relationships
Reports directly to Lab Manager, Research Scientist, or ProjectDirectorKnowledge, Skills & Abilities Required
Work requires communication and mathematics skills normally acquired infour years of college, plus three to six months of related workexperience. Prefer graduate of or student in graduate program inneurosciences, nursing, psychology, engineering, social work, publichealth or related field.
Knowledge of basic computer hardware in addition to software such asMicrosoft Office, statistical programs such as Stata or SPSS, and/orrelevant engineering or mathematical programs such as Matlab, asappropriate.
Familiarity with medical, engineering or health services researchterminology and basic research/statistical methodology is required, asappropriate to the position.
Ability to accurately review and enter project data and to concentrateand pay close attention to detail for up to 75% of work time isrequired.
Analytical ability is required to prepare reports, maintain datainventory, code, transcribe interviews, develop graphs, performliterature searches, negotiate sy