JOB REQUIREMENTS: Company Energy Systems East Name QualityAssurance/Quality Control Manager Construction - Constructiv - UnitedStates Req # 63496 Employment Type Full Time Shift 1st As we extendservices with existing and new clients the need has arisen forqualified, Quality Assurance/Quality Control Managers. We are seekingexcellent candidates that we believe would be a great addition to ourteam. Devise procedures to inspect and report quality issues Monitor alloperations that affect quality Supervise and guide inspectors,technicians, contractors, vendors and other staff Assure the reliabilityand consistency of construction by checking processes and final outputAppraise customers\' requirements and make sure they are satisfiedReport all identified quality issues to project executives to ensureimmediate action Facilitate proactive solutions by collecting andanalyzing quality data Review current standards and policies Keeprecords of quality reports, statistical reviews and relevantdocumentation Ensure all legal standards are met Communicate withinternal/external quality assurance officers during on-site inspectionsProfessionally, accurately, effectively, efficiently and conciselycommunicate both in written and oral fashion in all facets of businessboth corporately and to contractors/vendors without error Be responsiblefor providing project leadership, coordination and facilitating teamworkof project teams to meet project goals Communicates project status tosupervisor and others Develops staffing projection and trend/exposurereports Assures performance of project personnel meets Client needs andexpectations Attends monthly managers meeting and participate onproject-status calls Ability to accurately produce the minutes of allmeetings and all other written documentation required Review contractordocumentation including drawings, calculations, correspondence,insurance, bonds, submittal data, clarification requests, and close-outdocumentation Collaborates with Project Managers / Project Designers inan ongoing effort to improve department processes and standards Providesquality control by monitoring construction process Interface andmaintain a positive relationship with owners, architects, client staffand vendors Oversees internal team, contractor and vendor performanceduring construction phase through site visits and report review Conductsite visits as needed to monitor the progress of construction, reviewstatus of work completed during the period covered, review that work isprogressing forward and in general accordance with the approved drawingsand specifications Must be organized and display effective timemanagement skills Review construction plans and specifications Inspectconstruction progress Chair and conduct design progress andcoordination... For full info follow application link. Generac PowerSystems Inc. is an equal opportunityemployer/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disability. ***** APPLICATIONINSTRUCTIONS: Apply Online: Other: Most JobCenters in Wisconsin have public computers and fax machines availablefor job seeking purposes. For a list of Job Centers closest to yourlocation, call toll-free 1-888/258-9966 or go to