JOB REQUIREMENTS: Description Public Health Madison & Dane County inMadison, Wisconsin, is recruiting for a full-time (1.0 FTE) PublicHealth Nurse (Bilingual - Spanish) position for their Perinatal CareCoordination unit. Employees who work in bilingual designated positionsreceive an additional \$2.00 per hour (not reflected above). TheEligibility List created will be used to fill future Public Health Nurse(Bilingual - Spanish) vacancies over the next six (6) months. DEFINITIONUnder general supervision from the Public Heath Supervisor, thisclassification provides professional public health nursing leadership inthe community and is responsible for the core public health functions ofassessment, assurance and policy development. Performs related duties asrequired. EXAMPLES OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE DUTIES BY PROGRAM PERINATALCARE COORDINATION provides home visiting services to pregnant womenuntil 2 months\' postpartum. The goal is to improve perinatal and infanthealth in PNCC clients through comprehensive care coordination based onbest practices. The components of this benefit are outreach, assessment,care plan development, ongoing care coordination and monitoring, andhealth education and nutrition counseling. SUMMARY OF DUTIES Identifiespopulations who are at risk for illness, disability and premature deathusing individual, family and community assessment and analysis. Usesprinciples of epidemiology, community assessment and scientific researchto identify opportunities for primary prevention education and toparticipate in surveillance, prevention, control and follow-up forcommunicable and chronic diseases. Collaborates with staff, healthcareproviders, other community organizations and the State to identifypriority problems and to plan, implement and evaluate strategies forcommunicable disease and chronic disease prevention and control in DaneCounty. Employs evidence-based Public Health policies and methods toprovide education, screening, outreach, referral, coordination and otherservices. Collaborates with healthcare providers and the State regardingcommunicable disease reporting and follow-up. Establishes, conductsand/or coordinates clinics. Uses the nursing process to assess, plan,implement and evaluate Public Health services for individuals, groupsand the community. Participates in evaluation and the development ofpolicies and procedures. Assists with orientation of new staff andmentoring students in nursing and other disciplines. Maintains knowledgebase, including changes and trends which affect public health nursing,professional nursing practice and the roles and responsibility of thisposition. ***** OTHER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: For BilingualPositions: 1. Provide services in both English and the required foreignlanguage (e.g., Spanish, Hmong, etc.), including oral interpretation andwritten translations in that language. 2. Applicants being consideredfor Bilingual positions will be tested during the recruitment process.This may consist of either being able to respond to questions in thatlanguage (e.g., Spanish, Hmong, etc.) during the interview; or passingan oral translation (English to foreign language / foreign language toEnglish) exam prior to employment. Knowledge & Skills Knowledge ofpublic health nursing principles and practice. Epidemiology and relatedbiologic behavioral and social sciences. Knowledge of communityresources and how to utilize them. Ability to work independently andinterdependently. Ability to assess own practice. Ability and desire tolearn and change. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.Demonstrates ability to work with individuals, groups and community.Demonstrates ability and willingness to learn. Demonstrates flexibilityin response to change. Demonstrates ability to work well withindividuals of all ages, cultures, race and ethnicity, learningabilities, lifestyles, et . specific to Community-Based PHN position.Ability to apply assessment skills to community-based setting. Knowledgeof social determinants of health and systems that impact communityhealth. Experience participating in or coordinating community-drivenworkgroups and initiatives. ***** APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: ApplyOnline: Other: TOAPPLY FOR THIS POSITION FOLLOW THE NEXT STEPS: 1. GO TO OUR WEBSITE: 2. CLICK ON JOBTITLE, THIS WILL OPEN THE NEXT SCREEN. CLICK ON THE BOX THAT SAYS\"APPLY\". 3. COMPLETE ALL AREAS (INFO, WORK, EDUCATION, ADDITIONAL,REFERENCES, ATTACHMENTS (IF YOU HAVE AN DOCUMENTS TO ATTACH), QUESTIONS(THESE WILL BE SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS DUE WITH THE RECRUITMENT), THENREVIEW AND THEN CERTIFY TO APPLY). 4. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO LOG INTO YOURPROFILE TO CHECK POSITIONS YOU HAVE APPLIED. WHEN YOU LOG IN CLICK ONYOUR NAME ON THE TOP RIGHT, CLICK ON APPLICATIONS; THIS WILL SHOW ALLPOSITIONS YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR AND THE CURRENT STATUS.