JOB REQUIREMENTS: InsightFS is headquartered in Jefferson, Wisconsinwith23 branches across the state and upper peninsula of Michigan. Insight FShas 430+ employees (including seasonal workers) and approximately 50,000customers. The cooperative does business in agronomy, agri-finance,precision agriculture, nutrient management, energy, feed, grain, andturf. InsightFS is part of the GROWMARK System, an agriculturalcooperative serving more than 100,000 customers across North America andOntario, Canada. PURPOSE AND SUMMARY STATEMENT Markets and sells allliquid propane and accounts receivable within assigned territory,including securing new clients and increasing sales volume to existingclients. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS Establishes a route system in deliveryterritory and calls on all clients or potential clients in deliveryterritory to obtain orders for propane products. Acts as sole salescontact between GROWMARK and clients in delivery territory. Adheres toGROWMARK\'s sales and marketing strategies and attends GROWMARK salestrainings as offered. Responsible for meeting sales goals as establishedby supervisor. Promotes the use of FS credit / Agri-Finance as a salestool. Records sales and delivery information on daily sales. Maintains apreferred prospect list and calls on prospective customers to solicitnew business. Prepares order forms and sales contracts. Communicatesmarketing programs and distributes sales promotion materials tocustomers and prospects. Adheres to and supports the company creditpolicy, checking credit history of patron before making a sale, andexplaining policy to new customers. Obtains signed equipment leasecontract prior to servicing an account. Maintains accounts receivableaccording to company credit policy. Responds to all complaints andfollows through to assure satisfactory settlement. Maintains plant andcompany inventory according to company standards, controlling shrink atan acceptable level. Fulfills orders obtained from stock maintained incompany vehicle and/or loads, drives, and delivers propane products tofill orders obtained from clients as necessary. Maintain vehicle andequipment in safe operating condition. Develop and maintain a record ofcompany owned tanks and equipment. OTHER JOB FUNCTIONS May be requiredto conduct pressure tests to assure the integrity of the system prior toplacing a system into service or in the event service is interrupted.May be required to maintain records of all regulators, including date ofmanufacture, and changes regulators as necessary. May be required toperform leak tests on customer systems as required. Follows GROWMARK\'sCode of Conduct and Corporate Compliance Program, Environmental Healthand Safety, OSHA and DOT policies and procedures, as... For full infofollow application link. We are an equal opportunity employer, includingprotected veterans and qualified individuals with disabilities.***** APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Apply