JOB REQUIREMENTS: ABC Supply is looking for a Product and ManufacturingEngineer to perform the following duties: Responsible for the design ofthe standard production processes and standard set-up processes of eachwork center for the plant in which he, or she works, including but notlimited to the material handling processes, the manufacturing processes,the packaging processes, and the Pick/Pack and shipping processes.Collaborate with Quality Manager to coordinate the manufacturing processcontrol documents with the Quality control system. Responsible foroverseeing the TPM program for the plant, insuring that each machine hasan established \"preventative Maintenance\" schedule in place. Developand install systems and procedures that help to insure that our ACMfacility is operating safely and producing products that will be shippeddefect free and packaged properly so that the products arrive defectfree. Will be involved in supplier development, supplier audits, machinesourcing and sourcing supplies related to the manufacturing andpackaging processes. Involved with customers, dealing with theirquestions from the field, supporting our sales and customer servicestaff, and working with and training shop associates. Maintain productdrawings for use on the manufacturing floor. Develop productspecifications for the manufacturing processes. Define packagingmethods, packaging supplies and products. Develop and design safeproductive work centers. Develop manufacturing procedures. Work withmachine suppliers to design machines needed. Develop picking packing andshipping procedures. Develop an audit system that audits each plantsmanufacturing processes, PM. and packaging processes. Insure productionassociates are training to properly use said procedures. Help toresearch and resolve customer issues that relate to product quality,design and functionality. Manage \"Corrective Action Responses\" asneeded. Manage projects as needed to improve the profitability of thecompany. Assist/guide engineering interns technicians to ensure plantquality needs are met and product standards maintained. Provide trainingto engineering interns/technicians to help maintain and sustain companyISO 9001 Quality standards. The position is hybrid role that allows forwork from home and work from the office on a rotational schedule.Position requires a Bachelor\'s degree in Engineering (any) or a relatedfield of study and five (5) years of experience in the job offered orrelated occupation in which the experience was gained. In lieu of aBachelor\'s degree in Engineering (any) or a related field of study andfive (5) years of experience in the job offered or a related occupationin which the required experience was gained, employer will also accept aMaster\'s degree in Engineering (any) or a related field of study andtwo (2) years of experience in the job offered or a related occupationin which the required experience was gained. Applicants must havedemonstrated experience with: Machine design, product design, packagingdesign, product handling, and quality control; Building & constructionmaterials industry; Six Sigma & LEAN training, and Black Belt; JDEsoftware; Manufacturing setting; and Mathematical skills, and printreading. To apply, mail resume to: ABC Supply Co. Inc., Attn: HR, 1 ABCParkway, Beloit, WI 53511. Must Reference Job Title: Product andManufacturing Engineer. Code: 000330. EOE. ***** APPLICATIONINSTRUCTIONS: Mail a Rsum: To apply, mail resume to: ABC Supply Co.Inc., Attn: HR, 1 ABC Parkway, Beloit, WI 53511. Must Reference JobTitle: Product and Manufacturing Engineer. Code: 000330. EOE.