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City of Idaho Falls
Probationary Firefighter 2024
SALARY \$ 46 ,0 38.72 Annual ly LOCATION Idaho Falls, ID
Full-Time JOB NUMBER 2024-0118
Fire Department OPENING DATE 01/18/2024
CLOSING DATE 2/17/20 24 8:00 AM Mountain
General Purpose
IFFD will be sponsoring an in-person written exam at Tingey Auditoriumat University Place, 1776 Science Center Drive on
Saturday, February 17, 2024. Registration is 8:30 am with testingstarting at 9:00 am. Candidates can also attend other
testing sites or contact Public Safety Testing about an in-homeproctored test.
Go to
Under For Candidates, click on Sign Up For Written Exam, thenFirefighter
Select Idaho Falls Fire Department - Firefighter
Click Sign Up
It will guide you through the rest of the registration process. Use anemail account that you can be easily contacted
through. Please note that there is a charge for the exam.
The cut-off date for all written exams (remote or in-person) is February17, 2024, at 0800 hours.
If you have questions about the written exam, please call Public SafetyTesting at 1-866-HIRE911 (1-866-447-3911).
DO NOT apply through the City of Idaho Falls website. Please follow theabove instructions to apply for the written
After the written exam, Public Safety Testing will supply the City ofIdaho Falls with a list of the top candidates. The highest
scores from the testing period of 2/17/2024 to 1/17/2025 will be invitedto the physical agility and the first-round interviews
until there are 60 candidates.
Initial Interviews and Physical Agility Test: To Be Determined
Final Interviews: To Be Determined
10 preferential points upon proof of Honorable Discharge. Email DD-214to [email protected] prior to the
interview process.
mailto:[email protected]
10 preferential points awarded for Paramedic Certification. Email copyof current EMT-P to
[email protected] prior to the interview process.
Valid proof of EMT certification required prior to offer of employment.Email copy of current EMT to
prad [email protected].
Essential Functions
A Probationary Firefighter receives classroom and field training in awide range of fire prevention and fire-fighting
techniques, principles, and procedures; receives specialized training insalvage and rescue operations, emergency medical
aid, civil defense, disaster, drowning, terrorism and other relatedemergency situations; trained in Fire Department tactics
and strategies; trained in department standard operation procedures.
Responds to fire alarm signals; performs as member of Fire FightingTeam; responds to emergency calls by riding fire truck
to scene of fire; lays and connects water hose, hooks up pump, holdsnozzle, and directs water stream; raises and climbs
ladders and utilizes other specialized equipment.
Rescues occupants from fire danger, renders emergency medical aid,removes deceased occupants, and performs salvage
operations; receives instruction on policies and procedures to conductprevention inspections on various types of facilities.
Performs various maintenance tasks (i.e., paints, services equipment,cleans, polishes, tests, and repairs fire -fighting
apparatus); conducts daily checks of equipment and services equipmentappropriately; trained to perform general
maintenance on department buildings and equipment; studies to acquireextensive knowledge of all Fire Department
Acts as first contact for publi c information; answers questionsappropriately or directs public to correct personnel.
Attends public gatherings to ensure observance of fire safetyrequirements, standards, and regulations; conducts tours for
interest groups; administers fire safety education to youth groups.
Maintains necessary levels of strength, stamina, and endurance toperform assigned firefighting duties.
Performs related duties as required.