JOB REQUIREMENTS: Job ID: 20475 POSITION SUMMARY: This is an advancedtechnical and management position responsible for assisting in thedevelopment and stewardship of the over the 67 million gross squarefoot, \$13 billion Universities of Wisconsin System facilityinfrastructure. This position is an essential part of a team ofprofessionals that work with a high degree of independence within theframework of University and State laws, policies, and rules. Thisposition has responsibility for leadership in the architectural aspectsof long-range and biennial facilities planning and assists in thedevelopment of architectural policies and standards for the Universitiesof Wisconsin. This includes active involvement in long-range planning,exterior development, aesthetics and land use evaluation, theidentification and evaluation of alternative concepts and problemsolving, cost estimates for a wide variety of facility issues andprojects, and project programming. It involves representing theUniversity System during project design; providing general architecturalconsulting to all university system institutions; and technicalassistance to UW System Administration. Related activities includeparticipation in development of the \$1.8+ billion biennial capitalbudget and agenda materials for monthly Board of Regent and StateBuilding Commission meetings. This position will also act as a technicalresource for the campuses and Universities of Wisconsin. MAJORRESPONSIBILITIES: Provide leadership in long-range planning and biennialcapital budget preparation. This includes providing architecturalexpertise to all UW-institutions in the UW System, promoting, advising,and guiding physical planning according to sound architectural andplanning principles. Implementation of projects defined in the UWSystem\'s biennial capital budget. Provide leadership to implement theapproved capital improvement projects for each institution in the UWSystem, expediting tasks ranging from approvals through design (but notincluding construction). Administrative policy, procedure, and programmanagement. Assist in developing and implementing the administrative andoperating structure for capital planning and budgeting in the Universityof Wisconsin System. This includes acting as an architectural liaisonbetween the UW-institutions and UW System Administration, advising theSenior Associate Vice President for Capital Planning and Budget ondirections taken on plans, actions, accomplishments, and problems toensure continued awareness of the activities. Provide ArchitecturalTechnical Support. Provide architectural expertise to all institutionsin the Universities of Wisconsin, including problem solving, DOA projectsupport and projects that are entirely gift or grant funded. Thisposition will function as the UW System planning liaison for projectsthat can range from \$100k to \$300M+. WORK LOCATION: The officelocation will be at 780 Regent Street, in Madison, Wisconsin. (Due tothe nature of this position, the incumbent will alternate betweentraveling as necessary to the UW-institutions and spending time on-sitein the office.) To ensure full consideration, please submit applicationmaterials as soon as possible. Applicant screening will beginimmediately and be ongoing through Thursday, January 25, 2024. However,applications may be accepted until the position has been filled.Questions may be addressed to: Lori Fuller, HR Business Partner For additional details and to apply, visit thefollowing website and search for Job ID 20475***** OTHER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:Registration as a Professional Architect in the State of Wisconsin. Fiveyears of experience with progressive responsibility as a facilitiesplanner or architect. Excellent written and oral communication skills.Ability to work effectively with a variety of stakeholders. Ability totravel up to 50 percent of the time. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS:Experience in comprehensive long-range capital planning, facilitiesplanning and assessment, architectural standards and codes, and costestimating. Experience in project development or guiding projectdevelopment, capital improvement projects, direct interaction with usergroups, and program development. Experience developing policies,planning processes, procedures, deliverables, and standards to promotecomprehensive planning for large facilities or systems. Experience withhigher educational project development and/or campus and facilityplanning. ***** APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Apply