JOB REQUIREMENTS: Seeking applicants who Plans and performs preventivemaintenance and emergency repairs on plumbing systems. Maintain theinspections of backflow preventer and boilers database. DESCRIPTION OFESSENTIAL DUTIES: Maintain and repairs general plumbing components toinclude toilets, urinals, faucets, hose bibs and drains. Install,repairs, or replaces domestic hot and cold water lines. Repair andreplaces steam and hot water exchangers for major building heatingsystems and pools. Repair and replaces radiator valves, traps andcondensate pipes Repairs and replaces domestic hot water heat pumps,chilled water pumps, sump pumps and sewage pumps. Install, tests, andrepairs all sizes of backflow prevention devices. Leads troubleshootingefforts and repairs water and gas distribution systems. Ensure propercare in the use and maintenance of equipment and supplies; promotescontinuous improvement of work place safety and environmental practices.Provide sketches and drawings for contractors to complete installations.Research catalogs and vendors services for complex and/or customizedsystem retrofits. Coordinate with supervisors, track corrective andpreventive maintenance tasks given to subcontractors. Perform otherduties as assigned. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: (To perform this jobsuccessfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential dutysatisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of theknowledge, skill, and/or ability required.) Must have a High Schooldiploma or GED Minimum three years of experience in the field ofplumbing. Ability to work within the overall organization of thePhysical Plant and to work collaboratively with skilled and unskilledpersonnel Must be able to follow oral and written instructions anddemonstrate ability to express ideas effectively and concisely Mustdemonstrate compliance with all required safety policies and proceduresMust be willing to seek training to enhance or learn new skills Must beaccessible and available in the event of emergencies or when needed tomeet the ongoing mission of the College Must pass pre-employmentcriminal background check. Must possess and maintain a valid Wisconsindriver license Apply Online ABOUT CARTHAGE Located on the shore of LakeMichigan in the thriving Chicago-Milwaukee corridor, Carthage Collegeblends the best liberal arts traditions with desirable degree programs,transformative learning opportunities, and personal attention fromdedicated faculty and staff. Our beautiful campus, an 80-acre arboretumwith stunning lake views, is home to 2,600 undergraduate students and200 graduate students. Founded in 1847, Carthage is consistently named aBest Midwestern College by The Princeton Review and a Most InnovativeSchool by U.S. News & World Report. All Carthage employees play a vitalpart in the success of our students, as we work together to create anenvironment where all can achieve their true potential. Grow withCarthage. Carthage College is an equal opportunity employer (EOE)dedicated to the goal of building a culturally diverse community. Wewelcome applications from a broad spectrum of people, including membersof ethnic minorities, women, veterans, and individuals withdisabilities. All qualified applicants will receive consideration foremployment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, genderexpression, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin,protected veteran status or status as an individual with a disability.For more information, or to apply now, you must go to the website below.Please DO NOT email your resume to us as we only accept applicationsthrough our website.***** OTHER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: See Job Description***** APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Apply Online: