Minimum/Required Qualifications Doctoral level degree OR terminal degreein Music or related discipline. Demonstrable knowledge of the musictechnology industry, current equipment, and professional practices.Experience with audio engineering, including studio recording and/orlive concert production. Knowledge of current music technology topicsand curriculum and experience teaching undergraduate students. Record ofscholarly and/or creative practice and achievement that aligns with anR1 research institution. Demonstrated evidence of engaging, educating,and mentoring a diverse group of learners. Previous experience inpromoting and enhancing diversity through teaching, outreach, orprogramming. Ability to work collegially with other faculty and studentson interdisciplinary/collaborative projects. Position Duties 75%Teaching and Assigned Duties The specific teaching assignments willdepend on the faculty member\'s areas of expertise and experience aswell as departmental needs. 15% Scholarly and Creative Activity Thefaculty member will serve as technological collaborator with other arts,sciences, and humanities across the university to provide artistic andtechnological vision and facilitate productions that integrateexpressive electronic media. 10% Service MTP-focused serviceresponsibilities will include maintaining a recording studio andpost-production facilities, managing a team of student workers,directing a concert recording service, and curating performanceopportunities. Full Consideration Date: 02/15/2024 See posting forcomplete list of duties and qualifications. OSU commits to inclusiveexcellence by advancing equity and diversity in all that we do. We arean Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, and particularlyencourage applications from members of historically underrepresentedracial/ethnic groups, women, individuals with disabilities, veterans,LGBTQ community members, and others who demonstrate the ability to helpus achieve our vision of a diverse and inclusive community.