JOB REQUIREMENTS: Join our team and make a difference in your communityas an Outpatient Psychotherapist. The purpose of the OutpatientPsychotherapist is to provide mental health treatment services tochildren, adults, and families, provide clinical support andconsultation to agency staff and community partners, and provide mentalhealth education and prevention to the public for Sauk County Departmentof Human Services. Essential Duties Provide mental health services tochildren, families, and parent/primary caregivers by conducting mentalhealth assessments and develop person centered goals within theindividuals\' recovery plan. Participate in team-based services(Comprehensive Community Services and Coordinated Services Teams) in therole of psychotherapist, service coordinator, or consultant. Identify,develop, adapt, and implement treatment methods according to the uniqueneeds of children and families using tools and approaches that arestrength based, evidence-based and person centered such as Child-Parentpsychotherapy, play therapy, family therapy, motivational interviewing,trauma focused cognitive-behavioral therapy, and dialectical behavioraltherapy. Provide children and their parents/primary caregivers withsupportive psychotherapy, symptom management support, case management,and life skills education to allow them to attain and maintain theirhighest level of independent living. Advocate on behalf of children andfamilies when appropriate for needed benefits and services, includingapplying for social security disability income, housing subsidies, andmedical services. Review evaluations, test results, substance useassessments, medical reports, neuropsychological evaluations, andpsychiatric/psychological evaluations and incorporate information into acoordinated plan of care. Consult, collaborate, and coordinate serviceswith internal and external service providers/partners regarding theneeds of children and families to ensure an integrated, developmentallyappropriate approach to services and supports. Provide court-orderedservices requested through internal and external partners including butnot limited to Child Protection and Youth Justice. Educate partnersabout scope of MHRS services and roles. Intervene in crises andparticipate in mobile crisis response. Collaborate with agency staff andrecommend immediate remediation including residential placement, respiteand stabilization, and safe community-based options, and create crisisand safety plans including intervention and prevention steps to avoidunnecessary out-of-home placement and/or hospitalization. Screen andtriage mental health referrals coming into the MHRS unit by accessingfor appropriate levels of intervention/care, referring to servicesincluding higher levels of care as necessary, monitoring consumers\'progress in county-authorized and/or funded treatment, and assist withdischarge/aftercare planning and return to the community. Lead orco-lead therapeutic, psycho-educational, or social groups for childrenand parents or caregivers. Complete documentation within the electronichealth record, including but not limited to screening measures,assessments, recovery plans, progress notes, referral and dischargeforms, supervision/consultation notes, and daily activity logs.Participate in program development and evaluation. Maintains knowledgeof current professional counseling techniques and skills. Participatesin ongoing profession training and development. Provideinformation/outreach regarding mental health and/or substance use tointernal and external partners. Provide supervision to bachelor\'s ormaster\'s level student interns. And other duties as assigned.***** OTHER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: Preferred: Education,training, and/or experience providing developmentally informed andevidenced based treatment services to children and families 3 years ofindividua and group therapy experience Experience with ComprehensiveCommunity Services (CCS) and Coordinated Service Team (CST) *****APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Apply