The incumbent in this position provides support and administration to avariety of business support programs, technical and administrationfunctions, to include financial analyses, inventory management,equipment and vehicle management, purchase card management and wirelessdevice coordination. In addition, the incumbent will be assigned toassist with special projects, as required, i.e. implementation of newsystems or software, marketing and outreach campaigns, and employeetraining. ACCOUNTABILITY: This Analyst works directly with Management inan environment of routinely sensitive and confidential issues;therefore, the person in this position must have the ability to achievepolicy objectives, including accountability for confidentiality ofinformation. As a responsible professional, the Analyst must be able towork independently and exercise initiative and judgment in theperformance of the core job responsibilities of this position. TheAnalyst is skilled in the ability to answer questions and find immediatesolutions, as needed, to facilitate a dynamic and high performanceorganization. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Assists with theefficient execution of ASUS support functions, interfaces with theGeneral Office on matters including the same. Interfaces with corporateAccounting and Human Capital Management department personnel tocoordinate and ensure compliance with Accounting, procurement,contracting, inventory, personnel policies, procedures, requirements andguidelines. Ensures all related processes are in compliance withSarbanes-Oxley and other regulatory requirements. Coordinates theadministrative functions of building security, wireless devices, andpurchase card management. Participates in special projects as assigned,including but not limited to, implementation of new systems andsoftware, branding outreach and campaigns. Coordinates and monitorsfunctional field progress to complete action item deliverables as setforward by Management, and coordinate with ASUS Officers as necessary.Stays abreast of all priority items to ensure completion in accurate andtimely manner. Coordinates and administers compliance requirements ofproperty and equipment leases, which includes fleet management program,vehicle acquisition, maintenance, disposal and reporting. Understandscompany policies and makes suggestions on improvements. Providestechnical support in the areas of database development, maintenance, andreporting for leadership and management personnel. Provides training topersonnel as assigned. Communicates with external vendors and personnelacross organization to ensure maximum proficiency of systemsadministered. Prepares studies and reports as directed. Ability toeffectively organize multiple projects, establishes priorities toachieve the goals of the team and customers, and meet short deadlines.Assists with special projects as assigned. Other duties as assigned bymanagement.