"Why US
We help companies test and improve machine learning models via our global AI Community of 1 million+ annotators and linguists. Our proprietary AI training platform handles all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. Our AI Data Solutions vastly enhance AI systems across a range of applications from advanced smart products, to better search results, to expanded speech recognition, to more human-like bot interactions and so much more.Learn more at http://www.telusinternational.com
Job description
We are hiring for Online Task Contributors in France
In this role you will be reviewing online search results in order to improve their content and quality. You will be required to provide feedback and analysis on content found in search engine results and provide ratings on their relevance to the search terms used. Another aspect of this role will involve reviewing the language used in the search results by examining grammar, tone and cultural relevance.
Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution by expressing your opinion on the quality and content of what is currently out there on the web. You will play a part in improving the quality of one of the largest search engines in the world using both your PC and Smartphone.
Who is suitable for this role?
We are currently seeking dynamic and creative people who have a strong interest in social media, specifically those who are an active daily user of their Gmail account. We also require suitable candidates to own & use a smartphone – Android or iPhone – and have a familiarity with other forms of social media and Google products. You should also be flexible, reliable and have the ability to interpret and follow established guidelines.
You will have the flexibility and freedom to work from your own home, working your own hours. We are currently seeking people who have a specific smartphone device (Android V4.2 or higher or iPhone running iOS version 14.0 or higher) to complete tasks.
The estimated earnings for this role is 12.30 EUR per hour. Please note, the rate of pay will depend on the volume of tasks. This is a pay per task role and experienced Contributors may earn more than that because their productivity is higher.
What are the main requirements for the job?
•You must have full professional proficiency in written and verbal French
•You must be living in France for the last 3 consecutive years
•You must own a Desktop/Laptop PC
•You must own an Android or iPhone smartphone running the latest OS version
•Gmail must be your primary Email account and used frequently
•Active daily user of Gmail and all forms of social media, some tasks may be social media based.
•Latest version of the Google Search App installed on your mobile device
•You must be highly Tech-Savvy and familiar with a variety of Apps
•Willingness to download Apps
•You must have familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media and cultural affairs in France
What’s next?
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