JOB REQUIREMENTS: The A4 Offset Pressman 2nd has been deemed a SkilledProgressive Job, and will receive ongoing progressive training into theA5-L Offset Pressman Lead position. The associate will be learning howto Setup / Make-ready, Troubleshoot, Maintain and Assist the Operationof the Offset Printing presses to specifications written on the FactoryTicket through a monitored and reviewed training process. The A4 OffsetAssistant Pressman 2nd may be called upon to utilize their progressiveskill set during call-in events and vacation coverage of the A5-L OffsetPressman Lead. The Department Supervisor and/or Plant Manager willassess manufacturing needs to ensure the associates current skill set isat the appropriate level to safely/ effectively operate the asset andproduce good material. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Maintainfeeder end of press (maintenance /cleaning). Complete all housekeepingtasks and sign-off on them by the end of shift. All lubricationprocedures for the press. Load cleanliness (tracking P.O\'s, Millchanges, Damaged areas). Daily housekeeping for the feeder area andpress per shift sign-off book. Knowledge of setting up press forproduction runs. Mixing of fountain solutions. Hanging plates on presscylinders (making register moves). Blanket washer cleaning, maintenanceand replacing roller clothes. Delivery cleaning procedures. Ability toassist insetting ink and water rollers (includes removal and replacementof rollers). Ability to assist in blanket replacement (includes properpacking and ability to check with a gauge). Ability to assist in removaland replacement of the anilox coating rollers and ability to remove andreplace chamber and blades and set to specs. Knowledge of proper chamberblade set up and takedown. Other duties apply as requested by Lead #1 &Lead #2. Is responsible, along with the lead pressman, for jobs thatcome off the press for color, defects, and problems (not when justfeeding). Works with the head pressman to learn the operationalprocedures of the offset printing presses. It is an important factor inthis position to communicate with other crew members of the press. Inorder to learn the different operations of the press, it is important tobe able to ask questions about the operation of the machine whileperforming the duties assigned to the employee. Assisting the headpressman in their duties by learning, observing, and performing in timeof need is very important. Must be able to operate Power IndustrialVehicles. ***** OTHER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge ofall maintenance procedures on maintenance chart (ability to do allprocedures).2.Knowledge of ink and water balance and control (troubleshooting). Ability to adjust water roller settings to increase ordecrease water to plate. Registration of plates. Ability to set all inkand water rollers. Ability to pull correct ink and coating per Companyprogram (knowledge of different inks and coatings). Perallocationsheets. Bend and prepare plates for next job. ***** APPLICATIONINSTRUCTIONS: Apply In Person: 1011 Washington Street, Suite 1 ManitowocE-Mail a Rsum: [email protected] Apply Online: CallFor Appointment: 920-684-8324 Other: ABR Employment Services is an EqualOpportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants willreceive consideration for employment without regard to race, color,religion, sex, national origin, and disability or protected veteransstatus. This position is listed by a private employment agency. Theagency is the legal employer. No fee will be charged of the jobapplicant.