Continuous Posting -Mental Health Worker I - (23000639) DescriptionTaunton State Hospital is seeking candidates for the Nursing Departmentto provide direct care and treatment to the adult mentally ill patientson the locked units of DMH at Taunton State Hospital under the directionof professional nursing staff. The MHW I will provide assistance,instruction and supervision in activities of daily living to includehygiene, care of living area, care of personal belongings. Allinteractions will be person centered utilizing a person first approachwith safety of all being the number one priority while acknowledging thediginity of risk. Please Note: This is an Open and Continuous Posting.These positions are 40 hours per week. Days Off: To Be Determined Days -6:45am - 3:15pm Evenings - 2:45pm - 11:15pm Overnights - 11:00pm -7:00am Duties and Responsibilities (these are a general summary and notall inclusive): Provides direct care services daily to include but notlimited to taking vital signs, monitoring intake and output as well asassisting clients with feeding and personal hygiene while instructingand assisting clients in learning skills of daily living to promoteindependent ADL functioning. Utilizes a Person First, Person Centeredapproach when working with clients in assisting them in their recovery.Provides care to the patients with respect to their needs as defined bythe specific age population and / or culture. Assist in problemidentification, planning and teaching by reporting pertinentobservations to charge person. Serves as a client advocate, ensures thatconfidentiality and human rights are maintained. Ensures the spiritualneeds of clients are met by coordinating with senior staff and / orcharge nurse. Required Qualifications: Ability to follow written andoral instructions. Ability to communicate effectively in oralexpression. Ability to write clearly and concisely, expressing thoughtsclearly and developing ideas in logical sequence. Ability to work in ateam setting and in group situations. Ability to establish rapport &deal tactfully with persons from varied ethnic, cultural or economicbackgrounds. Ability to maintain a calm manner in stressful or emergencysituations. Ability to exercise sound judgment. Ability to lift andcarry heavy objects or persons. Preferred Qualifications: Given thepopulation served, bilingual or multilingual fluency About Taunton StateHospital Taunton State Hospital (TSH) operated by the Department ofMental Health (DMH) is a 45-bed inpatient facility that providescontinuing care inpatient services to adults with major mentalillnesses. The hospital is a leader in the successful integration of thePrinciples of Recovery and a rehabilitation philosophy into thetreatment model and a part of the Southeast Area which works closelywith the inpatient treatment teams to facilitate patients? dischargeback to the community. For a full job description go to: