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PME Space, Facilities & Building Management
About the Department
The Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) was established inMay 2019 and evolved from the Institute for Molecular Engineering, whichwas founded in 2011. The PME integrates science and engineering toaddress global challenges from the molecular level up. The PME\'srigorous academic and research programs are made possible through theUniversity of Chicago\'s unique partnership with Argonne NationalLaboratory. The Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering is the firstnew school at the University of Chicago in three decades and the firstschool in the nation dedicated to molecular engineering. In the nextphase of growth as a School, the PME will continue to expand its team ofworld-class faculty researchers and empower students from diversebackgrounds to collaborate with faculty in cutting-edge facilities. ThePME aims to bring solutions for urgent societal problems to theforefront, while training the next generation of scientific leaders andentrepreneurs.
Job Summary
The Laboratory Safety Specialist (LSS) for the Pritzker School ofMolecular Engineering is responsible for managing and providingtechnical guidance, training, and inspective/risk analysis of the PMElaboratory safety program to ensure a safe environment in which tofacilitate research and the pursuit of academic excellence. Laboratorysafety includes the delivery of safety services to all facilitiesinvolved in research for both laboratories and lab support areas.
In fulfilling these responsibilities, the LSS will liaise with theOffice of Research Safety (ORS) on issues related to chemical,biological, radiological, and laser safety, and work closely withEnvironmental Health and Safety (EHS) on life safety and environmentalissues. Reporting to the Director of Facilities, the LSS provides inputinto divisional and University-wide research safety standards, policies,and procedures as a key member of the research safety community inaddition to providing input on the allocation of roles andresponsibilities for research safety between the ORS and the divisionalLaboratory Safety Specialists. The LSS works with the Director ofFacilities and PME leadership to develop and implement strategicinitiatives to foster a culture of safety at all levels and all areas inPME.
Serves as the primary point of contact for PME principal investigators(PI) and research teams and acts as a liaison for these PIs to ORS andEHS on research safety issues. Provides lead support to the PME inconcert with the Physical Sciences Division (PSD) and ORS.
Stays abreast of any changes within the lab and builds a strongpartnership with PIs and their research teams. Collaborates with PIsand/or their delegates on a regular basis as a partner to addressresearch safety needs, meeting as often as necessary to discuss researchwork performed, safety risks, training and safety material needs, andother measures to mitigate risk.
Collaborates with PIs and department staff to assess the needs andprocurement of safety equipment and supplies (e.g., personal protectiveequipment, hazardous materials) for assigned research teams andlaboratory research operations.
Collaborates with PIs and/or their delegates to assess safety risks anddevelop appropriate safety controls for research experiments orprocedures with significant safety risks with support from the ORS.Partners with the ORS and EHS to identify training offerings and/orassist the PI in determining training elements that the PI will need toprovide via team-specific training.
Conducts routine tours and demonstrates a regular presence in thelaboratories, building a strong partnership wit PIs and their researchteams. Provides research safety knowledge and support to departments,PIs, and respective research teams with support from the ORS.
Collaborates with PME administration and Facilities teams to establishand assess needs for capital projects and new labconstruction/renovation.
With a moderate level of guidance, interprets University environmentalhealth and safety standards to assist in the design and implementationof programs. Ensures legal compliance and develops procedures.Collaborating with PME and ORS, generates reports to provide detailedand actionable analysis of trends as needed.
In partnership with ORS representatives, and in collaboration withdepartmental personnel, conducts inspections of all researchlaboratories and lab support areas as determined by risk level forunsafe conditions and work practices. Recommends corrective actions andperforms follow-up verification of deficiency correction status.Monitors implementation of controls and corrective actions.
Reviews and researches appropriate hazard control and mitigationstrategies, including engineering controls, administrative controls, andpersonal protective equipment; and supports faculty and research supportstaff in the implementation of these control strategies.
In collaboration with ORS, conducts orientation training sessi