JOB REQUIREMENTS: Position is responsible for working with individualsto seek and obtain employment, guiding clients through employmentprocess. Provide work readiness training and assistance. May assist invocational assessment, career goal identification, career plandevelopment, work readiness and job search training under thesupervision of professional staff. May observe program participants,interact with supervisors to gain insight into participant workbehaviors and provide supervision of worker(s). Key Roles: I. May assistprofessional staff in provision of case management services in programand systems design that support vocational training, workforcedevelopment, job readiness assessment, training opportunities andemployment outcomes. A. Assessment of participant interests,capabilities and service needs B. Development of participant serviceplans C. Identification and utilization of appropriate internal andexternal program services. D. Monitoring of service plan progress. E.Problem solving and resolution. F. Assessing progress in participantattainment of program goals. II. May assist in the identification andestablishment of appropriate work and training sites. A. Conductcommunity outreach as advocate to identify appropriate work and trainingactivities for persons with disabilities and impart advocacy educationto employers and other members of community with cooperative workingrelationships B. Review work and training site applications C. Conductsite visits to determine appropriateness for individual or group needsD. Develop constructive work/training site agreements to facilitateprogram activities E. Provide orientation to work/training sitesupervisors. III. Will monitor work and training sites to: A. Observeand record participant activities and gauge participant work readinessB. Obtain supervisor evaluations of work behaviors/performance C. Assurecompliance with all program regulations, labor laws, health and safetyrequirements. D. Assure adequacy and appropriateness of assigned workand supervision. E. Identify any compliance deficiencies and recommendcorrective action as needed. IV. May provide direct supervision of groupor individual work/training activities as assigned. V. May assist withvocational assessment, career planning, work readiness and job searchtraining A. Develop written job placement plans with individualcandidates with barriers that identifies specific employment outcomes,strategies and job seeking activities including job analysis, trainingneeds and any appropriate recommendations. B. Assist in job seekingactivities such as completing applications, preparing resumes, mockinterviews, contacting and following up with prospective employers andutilizing employment strategies to achieve employment goals andobjectives. VI. Maintain neat and accurate records and files A. Completerequired documentation including case notes, training logs and progressnotes in a neat, accurate and appropriate manner that meet allrequirements and standards. B. Report participant progress and siteassessments using required case management systems. C. Maintainparticipant and work/training site files in accordance with agencyrequirements. VII. Will Participate in multi-disciplinary WorkforceDevelopment Team A. Regularly communicate status of participants andwork/training sites with team members. B. Assist in program evaluation,quality improvement and other team required activities. C. Attend staffmeetings and participate in required training and professionaldevelopment activities. D. Perform other duties as assigned. *****OTHER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: Excellent interpersonal, team work,problem solving, communication and computer skills, positive work ethic,ability to maintain accurate, neat, and complete records required.Knowledge and experience in vocational assessment, particularly withpersons with disabilit es, career planning, work readiness and jobsearch training desirable. Job requires a valid driver\'s license andaccess to dependable transportation. ***** APPLICATIONINSTRUCTIONS: Other: Applicants must submit a Resume. Submitelectronically to [email protected] or mailed to: WorkforceResource, 401 Technology Drive E., Menomonie, WI 54751. Questions can bedirected to Mai Lor, Office Specialist at 877-711-9390 Ext. 1018.