JOB REQUIREMENTS: The Kenosha County Highway Division is offering anopportunity to explore all the facets of Civil Engineering, from projectconception to construction and maintenance. We are looking for a highlymotivated undergraduate student or postgraduate who is curious toexplore all the aspects of civil engineering prior to specializing in adedicated area. This Engineering Intern position is responsible forassisting the Transportation Engineer in data collection, administrativetasks, limited design work, and field inspections. Duties include:Assists in field data collection and GIS entry Assists in constructionproject inspection and management Assists in limited engineeringdesign/editing CAD drawings Assists in construction plan review Assistsin processing permit applications Assists in managing plansdocumentation, sign/culvert/bridge inventories Assists in developing andwriting traffic study reports Assists in administrative tasks Performsother work as required or assigned Kenosha County is committed toEquity, Diversity and Inclusion and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.***** OTHER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: Education and ExperienceCurrent or recent undergraduate student pursuing degree in civilengineering or a closely-related engineering discipline Success FactorsKnowledge of civil engineering principles Knowledge of basic engineeringdesign and construction Knowledge of basic engineering report writingSkill in communication, both verbal and written Skill in organizationand time management Ability to work both independently and within a teamsetting High degree of accuracy and attention to detail Ability tocommunicate effectively with a wide range of staff Ability to remainprofessional and courteous at all times Ability to maintain confidentialinformation Ability to work respectfully in a diverse and inclusiveenvironment Physical Demands The position involves moderate physicaldemands, such as exerting up to 25 pounds of force occasionally, and upto 50 pounds of force very seldom May require sitting for long periodsof time Must be able to work outside in any weather conditions,including extreme heat ***** APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Other: Tosee the complete job description and to apply for this position, pleasevisit our website,, and click the \"View OpenJobs\" button. Must be submitted no later than Sunday, February 18,2024. Kenosha County is an affirmative action, equal opportunityemployer. Apply Online: