Cook. 8 temp/full-time positions w/ J.C. Beach Havn Tvrn LLC DBA Buckalws Restaurnt frm 4/1/24-10/31/24.
Prepare/seasn/& cook dishs like soups/salads/meats/vegetbles/&/or desserts in the restarant. Workrs wil clean food prep areas like equipmnt/wrk surfaces/& servng areas & ensure freshnes of food & ingredents by checking for quality/keeping track of old & new items & rotating stock. Workrs in the Cook position will wash/peel/& cut fruits & vegetbles to prep them for consumpton as well as weigh/measure/&mix ingredents acc to recipes using varius kitchn utensls & equipmnt. Prep food for gusts to ordr using a varity of equip includ gas ranges/flat tops/& fryers.Receive orders/stock & clean station/& maintain refrigeration/freezer/& dry storage inventry.Prep foods for cookng using slicers/knives/& mixers.Use safe & sanitary food handling procedres.Maintains a clean work station/equip/& kitchen.
Must lift/carry 50 lbs., when nec.Requires 3 months of cook experience. Emplyer pays in advance/reimburses wrkrs in 1st wrkwk for all gov-mandated & visa-related fees (ex pasport fees). For non-loc wrkrs (i.e., residing outsde norml com dis)emplyer reimburses inbound trvel csts @50% pont in the contrct(unless paid in advance).Inbound trvel inclds transport csts frm wrkers perm res or place of recruitment a daily meal substnce (based on rates req by law curntly $15.46/day min or $59.00/day max for workers with acceptable receipts), and reasonable lodging costs, if applicable.
Travl reimbursements based on least-cost common carrier rate. Employer provides or pays outbound travel costs upon completion of the contrct period or early dismisal, excpt where the worker has subsequent employment.Emplr guarntes to offer hrs = to at lest 3/4 of the wrkdys in ea 12-wk period of total contrct perid begining w/ wrkrs 1st wrkday & endng on the contrct end date or any extensin therof. Emplyer may count all hrs wrked, aswelas any hrs ofered w/i standrd wrk schedule that a wrker choses to not work up to max # of daily hrs on the job order.Wrkers who voluntarly abndon emplyment are not entitld to paymnt for outbond trvel costs or full 3/4 period guarntee descrbed abve. Emplyer provdes w/o charge all tools/supplies/& equip (incl. uniforms, if applicble) nec to perfrm duties assignd. If reqsted emplyer helps non-loc wrkers secre optnal wrkr-paid lodging (not to exceed fair markt value based on # of occupnts cost TBD). Housng costs paid dirctly to landlrd & are nt payrol deductd.
101N Bay Ave. Beach Haven, NJ 08008 in Ocean county. No daily transprt to/from wrkrs home & primry wrksite.S uch transport complies w/ all applicble Fed/State/&loc laws/reg.
Wage rate is no less than $19.55/Hr. OT $29.33/hr. Raises &/or bonuses may be ofered at emplyers discretion based on indvidl factrs like perfrmnce/skill/&tenure. A single wrkwk will be used to compute wages due. The payrol period is bi-wkly. Wrkrs are paid by check on Fri.
The standrd wrk schedle is frm 2PM until 10PM Mon-Fri. 10am -12am Sat-Sun. Emplyer will ofer 40 hrs per wk.Emplyer may offer more thn stated wrk hrs depnding on wether/busines needs/&other condtons.Extrm heat/cold/ rain/drought may afect exct wrking hrs.Emplyer mkes all payrol deductns req by law. Emplyer does nt envison othr wrkfrce-wde payrol dedctns.State Wrkfrce Agncy(SWA)may only refr qualifed apps who hve been aprsed of materl terms & codns of emplymnt & who are able/willng/&available for job.
Emplyer makes hiring decisions at its sole discreton. Ref & app are accepted frm all souces.App must poses doc req to complte Form I-9 emplyment eligibiity verification.
To apply,contct emplyer @ [email protected] or contact Ocean County One-Stop at 1027 Hooper Ave; Building 6; Toms River, NJ 08753-8392; 732.286.5616.
Please refer to Job Order#: NJ1484279. This job opportunity is open to apply from /24 - 3/11/ 4 and is posted in conjunction with an H-2B application for Foreign Labor Certification.