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Consultants please conduct a seated interview. Applicants must have 20days experience with Farm / Irrigation / Livestock work. Applicantshired must be able to obtain a valid driver\'s license as driving onpublic roads may be required. Applicants must be able to lift up to 100pounds. Dates of need are (3/15/2024 10/25/2024) This order is for workin Buhl, Idaho area. Job Duties may require a split shift. Worker willbe required to perform a variety of duties related to the production ofhay, potatoes and cattle. The majority of the work activities during theoverall contract period, however, will be related to general farmwork/irrigation/crop production. General Farm Work will include thefollowing responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach and operate farmimplements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilizeand harvest crops; make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farmmachinery; may mix and/or spray chemicals (according to appropriaterestrictive use laws, when/if applicable); remove undesirable and excessgrowth from crops or farm grounds; remove rocks from field; paint/repairfarm structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general cleanup of farmareas; drive, load/unload trucks; operate motor bike or all-terrainvehicle in the course of performing duties. Irrigation duties willinclude the following: Hand lines: connect pipes; check alignment ofpipe and adjust for proper water distribution; attach lines to watersupply; turn on pump; turn valves to start flow of water; disassemblelines and carry pipes across fields at specified intervals; move pipesthrough freshly irrigated crops and/or plowed fields where mud may bedeep at times; lift and carry pipe sections weighing approximately 40pounds on a sustained basis. Pivots: push on switch that activatescircle sprinkler system. Flood Irrigation: lift gate in side of floodedirrigation ditch/pipe permitting water to flow into bordered section offield; shovel and pack dirt in low spots of embankment or cut trenchesin high areas to direct water flow; open gate or connect pipe tounderground pipe system that releases water flow into reservoir orditch; using gated pipe; gravity flow irrigation; shovel or hoe soil toclear ditches/furrows and build embankments to appropriately channelwater; mix and apply proper solutions to fill holes/cracks in pipes,ditches, and spillways, and make minor repairs to metal, concrete, andwooden frameworks in pipe and ditch valves and gates. Other IrrigationDuties: remove pipes/wheel lines from storage and lay out/place inpredetermined patterns in fields; lubricate, adjust, repair and replaceparts such as sprinkler heads and drive chains using hand tools; observerevolving sprinklers and adjust to ensure proper operation and uniformdistribution of water; disassemble, service and storepipes/mainlines/wheel lines after irrigation season. To meet minimumacceptable performance standards when irrigating, the worker must, aftera 10 day conditioning period, move an average of at least 48 40-footsections of 3-inch pipe or 44 40-foot sections of 4-inch pipe per hourunder normal working conditions. Duties related to the production ofLivestock will include the following: mix feed/additives and feed/waterlivestock; place mineral blocks; drive equipment to haul/distributefeed/water; clean/disinfect livestock corrals/stalls/sheds; hoist/stackbales of hay onto wagon/truck.