This job was posted by : For more information,please see: Record information aboutcrops such as pesticide use, yields, or costs; Direct and monitor workduring planting and harvesting of crops; Participate in the inspection,grading, sorting, storage, and post-harvest treatment of crops; Repairand maintain farm vehicles, implements, and mechanical equipment; Informfarm managers of crop progress; Identify plants, pests, and weeds todetermine the selection and application of pesticides and fertilizers;Operate tractors, tractor-drawn machinery, and self-propelled machineryto plow, harrow and fertilize soil, or to plant, cultivate, spray andharvest crops such as hay, wheat, corn, silage; Load agriculturalproducts into trucks without over or underfilling bed or trailer, anddrive to market or storage facilities; Clean work areas and maintaingrounds and landscaping; Regulate conditions;
Attend to live farm, ranch animals including cattle by calving, weaning,feeding, processing; Feel plants\' leaves and note their coloring todetect the presence of insects or disease; Maintain inventory; Haul andspread topsoil, fertilizer, and other materials to condition soil;Repair farm buildings, fences, and other structures; Mix materials, dumpsolutions or seeds into planter or sprayer machinery; Attach implementsusing hand tools drug screen, lifting requirement 75 lbs., exposure toextreme temperatures, extensive pushing or pulling, extensive sitting orwalking, repetitive movements.