Provide personalized childcare for three children in their home.Responsible for day to day activities such as eating, resting, maintaining personal hygiene.Organize and conduct games, arts and crafts, sports, walks, and play dates, reading, and arts and crafts.Create and coordinate the family schedule, making sure the activities, school, and appointments are run smoothly.Make appointments for dentist, doctor visits, haircuts, etc., keeping appropriate records.Transport children to schools, social outings, and medical appointments.Organize educational activities, such as teaching reading, numbers etc.Supervise and assist with homework, help managing learning platforms used by schools, such as Google classroom, Canvas, Schoology, etc.Contributes to a safe, caring, and nurturing, environment and model appropriate social behaviors to develop communication skills.Keeps the children’s areas neat and tidy removing hazards and developing appropriate rules to create a safe environment.Perform housekeeping and cleaning duties related to children's care.Observe children's behavior for signs of sickness, transport children to doctor, or administer medications, as directed, to maintain children's health.Perform first aid or CPR when required.Report to parents on the daily activities of the children or if any concerns or scheduling conflicts arise.
Minimum Salary: 40893Maximum Salary: 40893Salary Unit: Yearly