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The University of Chicago\'s Department of Radiation and CellularOncology seeks full-time faculty members at any rank. The appointeeswill provide clinical care and may lead a practice comprised of one ortwo radiation oncologists as well as nursing, physics, dosimetry, andtherapy staff. The clinical work will primarily be based at onelocation, but coverage is required at other sites, as needed. Otherduties will include teaching and supervision of trainees and students,and scholarly activity. Academic rank and compensation (including agenerous package of fringe benefits) are dependent upon qualifications.We especially welcome applicants who have formerly served as anattending radiation oncologist in an academic institution, as well asthose who have experience participating in clinical trials.
Prior to the start of employment, qualified applicants must: 1) have amedical doctorate or equivalent, 2) hold or be eligible for medicallicensure in the State of Illinois, 3) be Board certified or eligible inradiation oncology, and 4) have residency training in radiationoncology.
To be considered, those interested must apply through The University ofChicago\'s Academic Recruitment job board, which uses Interfolio toaccept applications: Applicantsmust upload: CV including bibliography. Review of applications ends whenthe positions are filled.
For instructions on the Interfolio application process, pleasevisit