About the University of Denver
The University of Denver (DU), a private university, is the oldestindependent university in the Rocky Mountain region, with approximately12,900 students in undergraduate and graduate programs. DU is classified asan R1: Doctoral University - very high research activity as aDoctoral/Research University. Financial Times Higher Education, U.S.News, and The Princeton Review have consistently ranked DU among thenation's top 100 universities and among the top three universities in thestate
The University of Denver embodies the spirit of exploration and discovery thatdefine our region and our history. With nationally recognized academicprograms, a history of widespread influence, a forward-looking vision fora 21st-century education, and a deep commitment to promoting inclusion, weopen a world of opportunity to students and empower Pioneers to make adifference around the world.
About DU Advancement
In preparation for the most ambitious philanthropic campaign in theUniversity's history, the University of Denver is building an advancemententerprise that mirrors the excellence and innovation of our greatinstitution. Inclusive of alumni relations, development, and student andalumni career services, DU Advancement is building and fostering a cultureof deep engagement and philanthropy in support of our bold vision.
The University of Denver and DU Advancement deeply value inclusiveexcellence, recognizing that its success is dependent on how well itvalues, engages, and includes the rich diversity of constituents. As apart of that effort, we are continuing to grow a team of inclusive,collaborative, inquisitive, innovative, ethical, and transparentadvancement professionals who possess deep mutual respect for one another andfor our shared profession.
Position Summary
Reporting to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Advancement Operations, theDirector of Talent Acquisition and Inclusion is an enthusiastic and motivatedtalent management professional with a proven track record in developing andimplementing programs designed to acquire and retain top talent forfundraising and other advancement positions. The successful candidate willadvise and support University of Denver (DU) Advancement leaders andhiring managers through competitive search processes designed to attract topcandidates. The role will also serve as an ambassador, representing DU in apositive and professional manner to the external community and positioning DUas an employer of choice.
Additionally, the Director will have oversight of Advancement'sdiversity, equity, and inclusion activities. The Director will envision,strategize, advocate, implement, and document processes,initiatives, and measurable actions leading to greater diversity,inclusion and belonging in Advancement. The Director will foster a culturethat values and prioritizes diversity, recognizing the importance of theseconnections in helping individuals flourish and supporting the robustcollaborations needed to attract and retain world-class talent.
Essential Functions
Talent Acquisition
Create and continually improve a full-cycle candidate outreach and selectionplan for the Advancement organization. This includes the development andassessment of:Robust and proactive strategy for talent acquisition designed to identifyand attract top Advancement talent and adhere to DU policies and industrystandards including pipelining of qualified candidates for current and futureconsideration.Competitive and equitable search practices including supporting hiringmanagers in interviewing candidates, crafting interview strategies,collecting and synthesizing feedback, and extending and negotiating offerswhile adhering to policies and procedures.Orientation and onboarding programs that effectively acclimate newAdvancement staff members to the organization.Organizational branding practices to build reputational strength for DUAdvancement.Work collaboratively with DU Human Resources and Inclusive Communities,Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusions, and Title IX Office tomaximize resources effectively and efficiently to achieve mutual goals.Create and maintain Advancement-wide acquisition related metrics to createrecruitment/retention strategies to reduce unwanted turnover across thedivision.Inclusion
Design, build, execute and track diversity and inclusion recruitment andhiring strategies, including but not limited to recruitment marketing,targeted recruitment, resources for search committees, all phases ofinterviewing, and onboarding.
Oversee the implementation of DEIB strategic talent initiatives,communicate and coordinate with stakeholders; assess impact and measuresprogress toward goals, and look ahead toward future priorities in areas ofDEIBCreate inclusive spaces and practices, celebrating diversity inAdvancement, and supporting recruitment of a diverse community centeredaround DUs values.University Citizenship
Act as an ambassador and present University of Denver in a positive andprofessional manner to the external community, positioning DU Advancement asan employer of choice.