This job was posted by : For moreinformation, please see: Structural Slate Inc. Job start date is 04/01/2024 and ends12/31/2024. The job is for 14 full-time - temporary positions. Thehourly work schedule is from 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday throughFriday.
Workers will set up, operate, or tend machines that cut, slice, hone, ordrill slate stone including honing. Press buttons, and pull levers tostart and operate cutting, slicing, honing, and drilling machines. Startmachines to verify setups and make any necessary adjustments.
The offered wage in the job order equals or exceeds the highest of theprevailing wage or Federal minimum wage, State minimum wage, or localminimum wage. The employer must pay at least the offered wage, free andclear, during the entire period of the contract. A single workweek willbe used to compute wages due.
All deductions from the worker\'s paycheck required by law will be made.No deductions will be made which reduce a worker\'s wages below therequired rate. In New York State, the only deductions that can be takenfrom worker pay are: 1. Those required by law, such as Social Security,income tax, and garnishment of wages; and 2. Those that benefit workersand are authorized in writing, such as life insurance, or a savingsaccount. Any other deductions are illegal.
If, before the expiration date specified in the job order, the servicesof the worker are no longer required for reasons beyond the control ofthe employer due to fire, weather, or other Act of God, or similarunforeseeable man-made catastrophic event (such as an oil spill orcontrolled flooding) that is wholly outside the employer\'s control thatmakes the fulfillment of the job order impossible, the employer mayterminate the job order with the approval of the CO. The employer mustmake efforts to transfer the H-2B worker or worker in correspondingemployment to other comparable employment acceptable to the worker andconsistent with the Immigration and Nationality Act, as applicable. If atransfer is not affected, the employer must return the worker, at theemployer\'s expense, to the place from which the worker (disregardingintervening employment) came to work for the employer or transport theworker to the worker\'s next certified H-2B employer, whichever theworker prefers.
On or before each payday the employer will provide to each worker in oneor more written statements the following information: (1) the worker\'stotal earnings for each workweek in the pay period; (2) the worker\'shourly rate and/or piece rate of pay; (3) for each workweek in the payperiod the hours of employment offered to the worker; (4) for eachworkweek in the pay period the hours actually worked by the worker; (5)an itemization of all deductions made from or additions made to theworker\'s wages; (6) if piece rates are used, the units produced daily;(7) the beginning and ending dates of the pay period; and (8) theemployer\'s name, address and FEIN.
Transportation, Subsistence, and Fees
Employer agrees to reimburse inbound transportation and subsistenceexpenses (\$15.46) per day minimum, without receipts, to a maximum of\$59.00 per day, with receipts) from the place from which the worker hascome to work for the employer, whether in the U.S. or abroad, to theplace of employment if the worker completes 50 percent of the period ofemployment covered by the job order (not counting any extensions). Indetermining the appropriate amount of reimbursement for meals for lessthan a full day, the employer may provide for meal expensereimbursement, with receipts, up to 75 percent of the maximumreimbursement for meals, or \$ 44.25. The employer may arrange and payfor the transportation and subsistence directly, advance at a minimumthe most economical
and reasonable common carrier cost of the ransportation and subsistenceto the worker before the workers departure, or pay the worker for thereasonable costs incurred by the worker.
If the worker completes the period of employment covered by the joborder (not counting any
extensions), or if the worker is dismissed from employment for anyreason by the employer before the end of the period, and the worker hasno immediate subsequent H-2B employment, the employer must provide orpay at the time of departure for the workers cost of returntransportation and daily subsistence from the place of employment to theplace from which the worker, disregarding intervening employment,departed to work for the employer. If the worker has contracted with asubsequent employer that has not agreed in the job order to provide orpay for the workers transportation from the employers worksite to suchsubsequent employers worksite, the employer must provide or pay for thattransportation and subsistence. If the worker has contracted with asubsequent employer that has agreed in the job order to provide or payfor the workers transportation from the employers
worksite to such subsequent employers worksite, the subsequent employermust provide or pay for
such expenses. The amount of the transportation payment must be no less(and is not required to be more) than the most economical and reasonablecommon carrier transportation charges for the distances involved. Ifapplicable, employer will provide transportation, at no cost to theworker, to the actual work sit