JOB REQUIREMENTS: Put your education to work for you! We have hands onopportunities for students who have at least two years of coursework inengineering, engineering technology, or manufacturing technology. Thegeneral intern position is used to allow students an opportunity to haveexposure to the workplace in their chosen field of interest. PlasticIngenuity, Inc. provides these opportunities as a way to supporteducation, promote good working relationships with area educationalinstitutions, and attract future qualified candidates to its employment.Following mini-rotations through the functional areas, the Intern willfocus on project based work in a home department. Duties will beoutlined by the hiring manager when the internship is established. Thesewill match the student\'s interest, provide a meaningful educationalopportunity, and provide constructive work outputs to the company.Plastic Ingenuity Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. For moreinformation, or to apply now, you must go to the website below. PleaseDO NOT email your resume to us as we only accept applications throughour website.***** APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Apply Online: