Description ABOUT US: Health Imperatives is a safe and welcoming placefor people from every race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexualorientation, age, ability, and faith. Our mission is to improve thehealth and well-being of low-income or vulnerable families andindividuals in Southeastern Massachusetts. We are dedicated to promotingand achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are committed toelevating the voices of the people we serve and those we employ toprovide the highest quality care and to develop the most creativesolutions to the challenges we face. We are committed to eliminatingdisparities and increasing access to meaningful opportunities for all,particularly those disproportionately impacted by systemic racism. Wepartner with our clients and other community-based organizations andstakeholders to provide coordinated, effective care and support. Weserve a diverse mix of racial, ethnic, and cultural groups, includingyouth, LGBTQIA+ individuals, people with limited English proficiency,survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, commercial sexualexploitation, individuals with substance use disorders, and people whoare or have been incarcerated. We provide a wide array oftrauma-informed healthcare, emergency services, and support to 20,000individuals each year, and we are committed to making our programs moreaccessible to all. JOB TITLE: Clinic Manager, Sexual and ReproductiveHealth Services LOCATION: New Bedford, Sexual & Reproductive HealthServices HOURS: Full time, some evenings required SALARY: \$85,000BENEFITS: Medical, dental, holiday, paid earned leave, 403b, etc.OVERVIEW: Under the supervision of the Regional Director of Sexual andReproductive Health Services, the Clinic Manager is responsible forensuring the provision of client centered, trauma-informed, low-barrierservices, particularly for people disproportionately impacted by poorhealth outcomes, including those with low incomes, unhoused individuals,people with substance use disorders or mental health concerns, victimsand survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and humantrafficking; immigrants, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and youth by: Managingthe daily operations of the clinic, providing direct care and supportfor clinical operations and ensuring compliance with practice policiesand procedures. Hiring, supervision, training, and evaluation ofpersonnel. Implementing new policies, procedures, and initiatives.Managing laboratory compliance including laboratory controls,proficiency, testing, and equipment calibration and verificationrequirements Ensuring operational and fiscal requirements Completingrequired monthly reports Creating systems that ensure quality and accessto inclusive services and overseeing continuous quality improvementactivities. Other duties as assigned by the Regional Director of Sexualand Reproductive Health Services. Requirements REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS:Bachelor?s degree in health-related field and at least 3 years managinga clinical, behavioral, or health program. A commitment to and passionfor Health Imperatives? mission and values. Maintain flexible scheduleto meet program needs including some evenings and/or occasionalweekends. Strong organizational skills, flexibility, and ability to worksuccessfully in a fast-paced, results-oriented environment. Stronginterpersonal and communication skills. Experience working with diversepopulations and ability to demonstrate cultural humility. Reliabletransportation. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Bilingual; medical assistantexperience; experience working with eCW electronic medical recordsystem.