This job was posted by : For moreinformation, please see: Description
The University of Chicago\'s Department of Anesthesia and Critical Careseeks Clinical Associates at 70% effort for renewable terms of up totwo-years for our new Anesthesia Community Division. Clinical Associatesin the Community Division will provide clinical care and call coverageat various offsite locations affiliated with the University of ChicagoMedicine including but not limited to, Ingalls Memorial, Crown PointIndiana, and our main campus in Hyde Park. These positions do notrequire teaching or scholarly activity. Compensation (including agenerous package of fringe benefits) is dependent on qualifications.Clinical Associates in the Community Division will have full access tothe University of Chicago and the Department of Anesthesia & CriticalCare, including but not limited to, educational conferences and CMEactivities as the clinical schedule allows.
Separate searches are underway for similar appointees but at differentlevels of effort; we encourage applications to one, some, or allpositions:
100% effort clinical associate: http//
90% effort clinical associate: http//
80% effort clinical associate: http//
60% effort clinical associate: http//
50% effort clinical associate: http//
Prior to the start of employment, qualified applicants must 1) have amedical doctorate or equivalent, 2) hold or be eligible for medicallicensure in the State of Illinois and the State of Indiana, and 3) beBC/BE or equivalent in anesthesiology.
To be considered, those interested must apply through The University ofChicago, Academic Recruitment job board, which uses Interfolio to acceptapplications: http// Applicants must uploada CV and cover letter. Review of applications will begin after January15, 2024.
For instructions on the Interfolio application process, please visit