Description of JobCURRENT VACANCIES: Buena Vista, Canon City, Denver, Limon andSterling; however, we are accepting applications for all locations. Theeligibility list created from this posting will be used to fill current andfuture vacancies throughout the state. State correctional facilities arelocated in Crowley, Buena Vista, Canon City, Delta, Denver, Limon,Pueblo, Rifle, Sterling and Trinidad.
This position provides substance use disorder services to the inmatepopulation, to include formal and informal behavioral health evaluations,diagnostic assessments, and clinical interventions. Responsibilitiesinclude, but are not limited to:Serves as consultant for unit staff regarding assessment, diagnosis, andtreatment planning;Monitors inmate treatment and documentation to assure compliance withstandards and to assure continuity of care;Assures accurate Information System behavioral health needs levels, andprovides group, brief, and individual treatment;Provides clinical direction to non-clinical staff in behavioral health careand treatment of inmates.Assures continuity of care for inmates by making appropriate referral andproviding necessary information and documentation for receiving units,facilities, or agencies;Provides crisis intervention in conjunction with clinical standards regardingmental health professional privilege level;Documents both handwritten and electronically in an accurate and timely mannerto provide comprehensive inmate behavioral health records;Communicates directly with inmates regarding their behavioral health care suchas consequences of maladaptive behavior and desired and undesirable effects ofprescribed behavioral health medication;Listens to inmate concerns and provides counseling and direction;Communicates to advise, counsel, inform and/or guide staff within theclinical unit, the facility, clinical and administrative supervisors andoutside agencies to ensure continuity and direction of behavioral health care;Communicates and responds to complaints, problems, transfers,classifications, and inmate behavioral management issues;Responsible for maintaining standards of the program or work unit throughcompliance with all applicable professional, departmental, organizationaland unit standards;Promotes and is accountable for the safety and security of the clinical andcorrectional environment through conscientious observations, and sensitiveitem contraband control.
Special Qualifications:
Applicant must possess a master's degree from an accredited institution inone of the following mental health fields (behavioral health sciences):counseling, social work, psychology, or marriage and family therapy.You must attach a copy of your transcripts that contain your name, name ofthe accredited institution, type of degree received and date degree wasconferr
Applicant must possess a current, valid candidacy from the ColoradoDepartment of Regulatory Agencies as an Addiction Counselor Candidate(AC-C) and as a Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate (LPC-C).
Please refer to job posting for additional information, found at CDOC.Jobs.