Stream: Global Markets
Sub Stream: Sales
Role: Associate Business Development Manager(Job Level 6A)
Purpose/Essence of the role: Generate leads. Do customer profiling, A/C Planning and set revenue targets. Identify and secure meetings with the right contacts; Anchor meetings and pursue any opportunities generated with the help of pre-sales. Research and provide analysis to attain an understanding of needs, develop organization charts / structures for all key accounts. Identify the right team internally and for meetings, identify the right external partners, provide intelligence on competition, figure out the target price, help get the internal approvals, co-develop and provide inputs to model / solution and provide content as is necessary.
Below are the roles and responsibilities aligned to the above mentioned role / role designation:
Business Planning - Organization / Unit Level : Provides revenue and profitability numbers for TAL accounts. Performs market / segment analysis and needs / services / solutions identification. Sales Planning and Review : Does customer profiling, A/C Planning and set revenue / margin targets by services line at the account level for the assigned the target accounts(TAL) identified by HoS Market Development : Persuades clients to provide and commit to industry wide reference, analyst references, case studies, joint webinars, and joint speaking engagements; Provides input on specific events / sponsorships to corporate marketing Customer Prospecting : Identifies the right contacts in the client organization, secure meeting with the clients concerned, set appropriate agenda; Creates a/c plan, enlist executive sponsorship, ensure active participation from HBUs / Partners concerned, provide account context, allocate roles and responsibilities Proposal Negotiation and Closure : Sets up meeting with the prospect to present technical proposal, discuss the commercials, identify the right team for the meetings, negotiate commercials, get LOE / SOW, and upload the LOE/SOW in the system. Contracting and MSA : Identifies "MSA accounts", position Infosys as strategic partner with presenting value proposition and create environment for signing an MSA, negotiate MSA terms and conditions Account Planning and Review : Develops the Account Plan in conjunction with the other stakeholders; Develops relationship map, market share analysis, owns, communicates and executes as per the A/c plan, and conducts periodic review of plan with higher Management. Account Mining : Identifies the right contacts in the client organization, secure meeting with the clients concerned and sets appropriate agenda, anchor meetings and close any opportunities generated. Account Operations : Signs-off on SOWs / Contracts and follow up with the client to sign SOWs and upload into OMS; Submits invoices to client periodically and resolves disputes Relationship Management : Handles customer complaints about project; Identify and recommend the right Infosys executives with whom the client can connect People Management : Guides team members, career planning, mentoring, reviews, appraisals, salary input, promotion input, grievance handling