This job was posted by : For moreinformation, please see: Assistant Director,Chicago Child Protection Training Academy- School of Social Work
Office of Workforce Development
Located in Chicago, IL
Job Summary
The Assistant Director of the Chicago Child Protection Training Academy(CCPTA) will provide leadership in simulation facilitation and supportthe Associate Director of the Chicago Child Protection Training Academyin the administration of the simulation program. Responsible forproviding coaching, support and training related to simulation learningevents for child welfare staff. This position will also support programadministration through: facilitating debriefing for simulations,assisting in simulation development, overseeing simulation weeks,training child welfare staff, training actors, training new simulationfacilitators and support staff, and supervising a limited number ofsimulation facilitators.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Facilitate training for the professional development of new and veteranchild welfare staff within the Illinois Department of Children andFamily Services (IDCFS) and its assigned private agency child welfarepartners. This includes training newly hired and veteran childprotection Investigators, Intact Family Services staff, and Permanencystaff in both the classroom and related simulation education experience.This requires working collaboratively with IDCFS and University trainingfacilitators to synthesize pre-service and in-service curriculum learnedin classroom into skill based experiential learning.
Facilitate training, coaching, and learning session debriefs withlearning participants during residential, mock medical/multi-purposelab, and courtroom simulations.
Facilitate training, coaching and support to simulation actors as neededboth during and outside of simulation learning events.
Provide training to trainers on areas of need:
? Training of the Trainers, Onboarding and Delivery of Foundationsmaterial
? Classroom Management and Skills Building
? Specific investigative, intact and permanency foundational topics
Support trainers in the classroom and simulation events as needed,modeling classroom management and delivery of content.
Assist the Associate Director of Chicago Child Protection TrainingAcademy (CCPTA) with the day to day programmatic operations and assumeprimary responsibility for such operations during times of absence forthe Associate Director.
May assist in the process of hiring, training and handing of disciplineof assigned simulation facilitators.
Responsible for the supervisor and performance reviews of a limitednumber of assigned simulation facilitators and/or staff.
Communicates with senior administration on behalf of the AssociateDirector.
Acts as a proxy for the Associate Director as needed or in his/herabsence.
Collaborates with Associate Director to sustain, promote and growdepartmental programs and services.
Manages the initial development of proposals for departments needs ( equipment, software, supplies, etc.)
Participates in the strategic planning meetings and may preside overmeetings as needed.
Assist with the maintaining and development and/or oversight of thedevelopment of SOP\'s (Standard Operating Procedures), ToT\'s (Trainingof Trainer), files and records.
Organizes meetings and the drafting of agendas, communication withparticipants, minutes, etc.
Curricula and Content
Research, review, and report on latest laws, procedure changes,professional information, and literature as it applies to curriculumneeds.
Assist in development and design of new curricula simulation scenarios,integrating research into educational content, training manuals,handouts, PowerP ints, etc.
Collaborate with the CCCPTA Simulations Logistics Coordinator, CCCPTAAssociate Director, Office of Learning and Professional Development(OLPD) and other University partners to develop character profiles forsimulation trainings.
Other Requirements
Prepare/stage residential labs, mock court room, and mockmedical/multiple purpose lab for simulations; organizes and collaborateswith Simulation Logistics Coordinator and Associate Director of CCPTA toensure actors are in place and learning participants complete allsimulation experience tasks.
Work collaboratively with University partners, IDCFS, and stakeholdersto assist the program in maintaining alignment to the mission of theCCPTA and the IDCFS\' ongoing use of simulations, and fidelity toIDCFS\' approach to simulation learning for child welfare staff.
Endorse and educate the community and outside interests on the missionand goals of the workforce development partnership with IDCFS and themission of the University.
Attend other IDCFS and/or Workforce Development Program trainings andmeetings as assigned.
Other duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications