This job was posted by : For more information,please see: Dates of need03/15/2024-11/15/2024. This job requires: Load and unload crops orcontainers of materials, manually or using conveyors, hand trucks,forklifts of transfer augers. Mix specified materials of chemicals, anddump solution, powders or seeds into planter or sprayer machinery. Sprayfertilizer or pesticide solutions to control insects, fungus and weekgrowth, and disease, using hand sprayers. Observe and listen tomachinery operation to detect equipment malfunctions. Manipulatecontrols to set, activate and adjust mechanisms on machinery. Operate ortend equipment used in agricultural production, such as tractors,combines and irrigation equipment. Adjust, repair, and service farmmachinery and notify supervisors when machinery malfunctions. Attachfarm implements such as plows, discs, sprayers or harvesters totractors, using bolts and hand tools. Load hoppers, containers, orconveyors to feed machines with products, using forklifts, transferaugers, suction gates, shovels or pitchforks. Operate towed machinessuch as seed drills or manure spreaders to plant, fertilize, dust andspray crops. Weigh crop filled containers and record weights and otheridentifying information. Drive trucks to haul crops, supplies, tools orfarm workers.
Crops: Chickpeas, Peas, Winter Wheat.