This job was posted by : For moreinformation, please see: will be required to perform a variety of duties found in SOC Code45-2091 Agricultural Equipment Operator such as: Observe and listen tomachinery operation to detect equipment malfunctions; Manipulatecontrols to set, activate, and adjust mechanisms on machinery forcultivating, planting, spraying, harvesting, moving, storing crops;Operate or tend large, high horsepower farm equipment (much of which isequipped with GPS) used in agricultural production such as planter,combine, sprayer, mower, tillage tool to produce crops such as hay,wheat, soybeans, milo, silage, corn; Adjust farm machinery and notifysupervisors when machinery malfunctions; Haul and spread inputs,fertilizer, and other materials to condition soil; Attach farmimplements using hand tools; Operate towed machines such as seed drillsor spreaders to plant, fertilize, dust, and spray crops; Fix fence;Control weeds; Assess crop maturity and field conditions.
Housing is provided. Reimbursement for transportation and subsistence isalso offered. Transportation will be provided at no cost to workers,from employer-provided housing and, if applicable, centralized pick-uppoints to the places of employment at the beginning of each workday andback at the end of each work day. Please contact employer for furtherdetails.