JOB REQUIREMENTS: Thank you for your interest in a career atNorthcentral Technical College (NTC). NTC offers outstanding careeropportunities to work in a stimulating and diverse environment withstate-of-the art facilities. If you have a desire to help students whilepositively impacting the community, we\'d love for you to join our team!Job Description & Qualifications: Job Summary The instructor isprimarily responsible for creating a performance-based learning andteaching environment for students in accordance with the educationalobjectives of the College. Adjunct Application Information While theremay not be an immediate need for an adjunct in every area, NorthcentralTechnical College (NTC) accepts applications regardless, in order tocreate a pool for when there may be a need. Upon successful submissionof your application, you will be considered for future part-time adjunctinstructor opportunities and your application will be on file as apotential candidate who could possibly fill a position if or when theneed arises. Adjunct positions in this area include but are not limitedto: Criminal Justice CDL/Truck Driving CPR (days) Emergency MedicalService Emergency Medical Technician Fire Motorcycle Safety ParamedicPart-time Instructors are hired on a per-course basis each semester, andteaching one semester does not guarantee being assigned the followingsemester. The teaching hours for a part-time instructor vary and caninclude day, evening, and weekend classes. Adjunct faculty can teach amaximum of 12 student contact hours per week averaged over the semester.This posting will close on December 31, 2023. If you are not contactedby this time and you are still interested in employment with NTC,especially if your qualifications have changed, please reapply.Essential Functions & Responsibilities Plan learning-centeredinstruction based on the competencies and performance levels of thecourse including activities and teaching methods designed for a varietyof learning styles to help students achieve course outcomes and validatethat learning has taken place. Maintain accurate attendance, studentsuccess, and scholastic records of students; submit required reports andmeet response deadlines. Meet with classes as assigned and maintain aclassroom/laboratory/shop environment emphasizing safety, goodhousekeeping, and equipment security. Use course text, outlines,syllabi, and other curriculum materials in accordance with college anddepartment guidelines. Utilize learning technology for teaching,delivery of course content, learning, assessment, online/distancelearning, and student record keeping (ex. Canvas, Starfish, Cengage,Teams, etc.) Communicate, respond to questions, and provide consistentand timely feedback to students about successful course completion;actively participate in... For full info follow application link. NTCis an equal opportunity/equal access educator/employer. *****APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Apply Online: