JOB REQUIREMENTS: The operator of several plastic injection moldingmachines. Will be responsible for packaging, labeling, quality controlchecks, among other light industrial duties as assigned. This companyrequires color blindness test, drug test This company will also provideall the training you will need, so no experience required. All we arelooking for is commitment & consistency. Once trained, there is all theover time you could ask for. ***** OTHER EXPERIENCE ANDQUALIFICATIONS: No experience required, this company will train you onmachine operation and safety. Physically, you must be comfortablestanding 12-hours a day as these shifts are always 12-hour. Drug screensand Color Blindness tests mandatory as well ***** APPLICATIONINSTRUCTIONS: Apply In Person: 2717 N. Grandview Blvd., Suite 100Waukesha, WI 53188 E-Mail a Rsum: [email protected] ApplyOnline: Fax a Rsum: 262-347-4891 CallFor Appointment: 262-264-5553 This position is listed by a privateemployment agency. The agency is the legal employer. No fee will becharged of the job applicant.